Sunday, February 22, 2015

Procedural butterfly animation uploaded

  • Code and resources in .unitypackage, exe in Bin folder: My Drive
The binary includes ~2100 butterflies, using GPU vertex animation, dynamic batching and movement corutines. Use WASD or the arrows to rotate camera, 'N' to move to next camera target, 'Space' to free camera movement, '+' and '-' to zoom/move. Press 'R' to send the fliers to some random location.

Use, share and modify the code as you want. Enjoy!
(PS: write if the links are gone, I reupload the files)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Unity3D packages under contruction.

Created a Unity publisher account. Uploaded the Line renderer class used for the tree creation, it's under review.

There are some other stuffs under dev: for example butterflies (or birds or wathever with wings). Hundreds or thousands of butterflies with only 2 draw calls, >100 FPS. Animation and normal calculation is done in shader, and works with batching too. Only movement routines are running on the CPU, but that will be improved a bit using multithreading and better coroutines. The script supports more than one texture, and it creates an atlas from the texture array at the beginning.

Tested with 2K butterflies, 2 textures: average 98 FPS on my (pretty bad) laptop. Here's what it looks like:

It will be released soon along with other tools, like the full tree renderer class (still adding prototypes and testing).